Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Didn't go
I just couldn't work it out to go see Ratdog in Fla. this weekend. That is okay, I hear NJ was warmer then Fla. One of the main reasons I wanted to go was the sun! LOL
The other reason I wanted to see Ratdog is the sax player. He is just lovely. You can see his picture here (assuming of course I did the link right)
You may love Ratdog but I love Kenny!
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Its killing me
I have been whining about Mercury Retrograde since it started last month. But really enough is enough. It is kicking my butt.
I have deadline on top of deadline and I can barely manage to get my by line right. Is that not horrid? I can't write and I am more of an airy fairy then ever. Lovely.
Luckily my main (and of course favorite!) editor totally understands. Although she is grateful she is not a Virgo!
The other two --well I am sure they think I am mental but have a tendency to put up with what they call "my creative genius" but you can see they just don't get it.
Is it Nov. 18 yet?
Sappy Happy News
I feel Like I should update my blog but quite frankly I have nothing to say. LOL
I am too busy writing stories for this publication: it works? If not sorry I still cant do the link thing. When it comes to techy stuff I am a true airy fairy.
I was once the editor of this weekly. I stepped down to run my own magazine, but I still cover "sappy happy" news for them.
Right now I am finishing up a story a new bakery to be built. (Calendra's -- the best Italian bread!!!)
So that is my boring post for the day!
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Broke the rules and had fun

After nearly a decade I finally let LauraBZ "drag" (LOL) me to Ratdog.
I should have done it a loooooooong time ago! She said I would know a song or two as they play mostly Grateful Dead stuff. Of course I didn't know a thing they played as I only know about five Dead songs and not the most popular ones at that! But it didn't matter -- just let the music fill your soul! I danced and danced and danced from the first note until the last.
They were truly great and the sax player is definitely wonderful to look at. (next to Bobby of course ;) )
I had such a great time I am now trying to figure out how to spend next week in Florida.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Friday, November 10, 2006
The new Prada resort collection is at Neiman Marcus!!!
I must have the studded pumps!! (if you go on line they are under the runaway collection - their links never seem to work so I am not even going to try!)
I really need to tell more about California, all the fun I had with ballerinagurl, etc but I just thought I throw this good news out there. Here you all are thinking I am all about lovelovelovelovelove -- yeah the love of Prada!!
Tonight I'll update about Cali!! I need to go shopping now!!
I'm home!!
I am back from ITA and California. In the Attic rocked! It was wonderful. I had such a good time catching up again with "old" friends and meeting new.
I fell in total love with Santa Monica! As many of you know I'll probably be moving in the next 6 months- a year. Don't be surprised to find me there!! Although the traffic -- sheesh makes NYC look like a dream.
Other then the traffic it totally meets my requirements -- the main one being no more then 2-3 hours from an ocean -- and well it is on the beach so it is perfect!
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Reminder to self: Love will see you through
Live journal is down? I so need to update if for nothing else other then to release the negative emotions swirling inside me.
Friday's meeting did not go well, there was some shocking information my research uncovered. I sorta knew it when I got the documents but I didn't totally understand the legal stuff. I should say I didn't want TO because I looked at it freaked and put it away. The vibes were bad from the moment I got it in my hands.
I just need to remember:
A Box of Rain will ease the pain and love will see you through
-- Robert Hunter, "Box of Rain"
It has got to be all about lovelovelovelovelove. I can not fall victim to the negativity any longer. I do think I needed the wake up call though. Indifference was making me too passive.
Hate me today.
Hate me tomorrow.
Hate me for all the things I didn't do for you.
Hate me in ways, yeah ways hard to swallow.
Hate me so you can finally see what's good for you. -- Blue October
I know I am being vague. I feel like I have said too much here in public so don't be surprised if I delete this post. If you do get to read it please send me vibes, prayers, etc of love and peace.
When it comes down to it love is all we have and love will see me through. I have been blessed by having loving family and friends, esp by LauraBZ who is my Box of Rain. xoxox
I do gather strength from love and it will get me through this. Although I do hope Rachel sings Motherfucker in LA. LOL!